Monday, February 23, 2009

Sonora desert Museum

Spent a lazy weekend. The guys went to Camping World. Sandy & I went to a bead store & Wally World.

Today we went to the Desert Museum. It’s a Zoo, natural history museum & botanical garden, all in one place. Not much to say but will post some pix of the things we saw. It was a good visit. got there early enough to see the animals. Today was a warm one 88.

Az. state bird & the nest they make.

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2 different Owl’s, the drown one is the great horned owl & the chipmunks blend in with the rocks   

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The Hummingbirds. A mom in the nest .

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some of the plants. There are over 100 species of cactus & other plants there. This Crested Saguaro cactus is rear There were 3 in this park.   



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